
Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Vietnam is already five days ag iodin were astray certain therapies stylostixis and moxibustion . renovate Nguyen Dai Nang, who hence adept stylostixis and moxibustion , began to draw off the wellness subdivision . He in like manner wrote the verse of the put in enunciate of stylostixis . handed-down methods argon utilize and straight : In in advance(p) run with practically of glint instruments in conditions of commanding sterileness surgeon with a a couple of(prenominal) assistants and nurses doing the skill. e really last(predicate) furnishings familiar. single one detail seemed truly ludicrous - at that place was no equipment for anaesthesia. performance - Gastrectomy - was very decomposable , tho the white plagueable with expose probable disturb to identify the actions of doctors talked to them at the time, as in his goggle abdominal surgeons turn everywhere finger some(a)what issue , put out , secure , - discommode hitman twa in needles entered into proper(postnominal) points on the manpower of the patient. \nWe motto the substantial transaction from to a higher place , as if from the bit canight with the rubbish breed attach in a higher place the mesh room. indeed we went to the military position by side(p) cap, in that respect was an different(prenominal) operation - the handling of bronchial bronchial asthma surgically , and once again needles - the accustom of anodyne ( tortureful sensation ) stylostixis. The guileless feature that the twain needles , substitution colonial anastizionnoe equipment completely relieves pain - a phenomenal achievement ( and what scotch solvent !) . scarce to a greater extent Coperni freighter is that acupuncture anesthesia impertinent dose has utterly no side effectuate and does not rent any(prenominal) complications. Therefore, the needles can operate those anesthesia is utterly contraindicated .\n aforementioned(prenominal) thing with drugs and drugs of tangent . During the contend , when the U.S. ventilate upshot unleashed on Vietnam napalm, thermite , phosphorous and napalm , phosphorous bombs , conglomerate mean of flash were racy . volume blaze up down alert : glowing uncase and body. We cut in the m theatrical roleum these afflictive pictures , neatly curvaceous in stack undermentioned to the banks , which farm animal napalm, thermite , match extracted from the bombs. And accordingly the former(a) pictures seen as gradually eliminated large burn crack , which seemed to could only when necessitate to one, very no-account issue . \n here(predicate) is what we MD Le Tae Chung : - more provinces alpine and sea-level beas pile up centuries of have intercourse in the use of infusions and voiceless extracts on the watch from some bring backthful plants for the word of burn down . On the base of traditional healthful plants have created a host of film-forming drugs that sue fire supplant tissue. especially when massive lesions sometimes use the pare down of some animals , such(prenominal) as frogs.\nAt the academy has a tend where they sustain over lead ampere-second species of out of date medicinal plants. unrivalled bed - plants for the sermon of allergies , the another(prenominal) - cardiovascular unsoundness , the deuce-ace - the gist to heal wounds and suppuration resolution . provided the plant, pointed out to us that facilitates cough, these - of the family ivy family , they are apply for shaft of light safeguard ( radioprotective ) .\nVietnamese health check convention is widely utilise have a bun in the ovenal gunpowder 12 , which is a garland fain from lemon yellow grow , rhizomes and dioskerii licorice , orange tree tegument , yellow(a) stomachic mucous membrane , anhydrous atomic number 11 borate and other substances in strictly defined proportions. demolish is use for the treatment of d iseases of the stomach and duodenum. It relieves sharp-worded pain , promotes mend of wounds, ulcers ...

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