
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Health and Wellness in the Workplace Essay Example for Free

Health and Wellness in the Workplace Essay Thesis Statement: Health and Wellness programs in a workplace can benefit employees by helping them manage their physical and emotional health, reduce stress and provide a reward system program in the workplace. I. Introduction. II. Provide Nutrition Programs A. Manage employees physical emotional health 1. Provide different seminars to manage different health issues. 2. Create a program that fits your employees concerns in the work environment. III. Promotes employee’s perfect attendance A. Prevent employee’s absenteeism 1. By providing random wellness check 2. Reward employees for perfect attendance in the wellness programs IV. Reduce Stress in Workplace A. Provide breaks to help employees reduce stress 1. Start a group during 15 minutes break to walk 2. Provide a massage therapist once every two weeks to give 15 minutes massages to relief stress. 3. Give a stress management seminar for nutrition and excerising. V. Reward System in the workplace to accomplish Goals A. Provide a reward program to lose weight and stay healthily 1. A support system for employees by offering extra days off for doing the programs. 2. Create a bonus program for employees for reaching health goals. VI. Conclusion. Resources By: Alden, Sharyn, Regroup, Recharge, Credit Union Magazine, Jul 2007, Vol. 73 Issue 7, p 30-35, 6p; Abstract By: Bulk Tran Sporter, Tax credits proposed for employee wellness, Nov. 2007, Vol. 70, Issue 5, p12-12, 1/2p; Abstract By: Shepherd, Leah Carlson, More time to smell the

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