
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Problem based learning activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Problem based learning activity - Essay Example In our initial meeting, we spoke about the locations of the schools. We discussed the education area of Lamar, the administration governing the schools and the number of schools in the region. From our research, we found out that Lamar city consists of five schools ;Primary School, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and Lamar Career & Technical Center. We also discussed the history of the area. In this discussion, we talked about where people work in agriculture, ranches, and trading. We found out that the area is known for being the home of President Harry Truman. It is located about 292 miles west St. Louis in a beautiful agricultural land with 5.43 square miles area. The population of the area is approximately 4500 with 95% being whites while the rest are from different ethnicities; 0.7% African Americans, 0.3% Asians, 0.6% Native Americans. In our second meeting, we had an intention of creating a plan for improving weaknesses in the education system by collecting data on internal documents, exam results and curricula. This was important in helping us identify the subjects that needed improvement, making a three-year plan for professional development and offering solutions to the current problems. By studying the data for different subjects during the last three years and the effect on students’ comprehension, we could determine the current problems with the system. Moreover, the study would help us find a solution to solve the current problems. Comparing information from different areas was very beneficial in terms of identifying problems and making suggestions. In the third meeting, we discussed the results of our data research on the previous two meetings. We realized that half of the students in grades 3 to 8 had bad results in English. In mathematics, we identified that at least half of the students had good results. However, less than half of the students had good results

Monday, October 28, 2019

Business Environment Essay Example for Free

Business Environment Essay In a highly competitive and ultra-dynamic business environment in order for Morden business to remain competitive and thrive, it is no longer good enough to compete and serve at a local scale, more and more business have seen the need and benefit of expanding their business on a global scale. Expanding the business internationally will allow a broader market which in turn will help the organisation stay competitive even gain a competitive edge, it will also result in increased profit margins and stakeholders larger return on investments. When expanding internationally there are several key issues that will need to be addressed such as the organisational context, the staffing context, recruitment and selection, international compensation and performance management and continued management and re-entry. The organisational context Whinch-it board of directors though lacking the necessary skills to expand globally have expressed interest in expanding to the Asian region to tape into the markets need for boats and boating equipment. When planning an overseas expansion they are several issues that should be considered, these include the change of size and structure of the organisation, the flow and volume of information, control mechanisms, and the host countries demands-Dowling et.al 2008. As the business expands it gets bigger in terms of size and therefore structure of the organisation has to change in order to accommodate the change in size. According to Lihua (2009) two key structural features of the organisation will change which are the hierarchal levels and the number of subunits. Due to more employees being needed they will need to be managers to manage the subunits therefore an increase in the levels of hierarchy in the organisation. Departments such as the export department structure will also be the i nitial stages to be affected and also attended to by manufacturing companies such as Winch-it. Whinch-it will require a foreign agent or a distributor who will have knowledge of the local market, in addition to a foreign agent an export manager is also needed to control the domestic based home office, this new positions will affect the structure and size of Winch-it. With an increasing size of the organisation and a longer hierarchical system the volume of information and control mechanism becomes harder to monitor. According to Arace et.al 1974 communication plays a vital role in the organisation’s control and coordination process and the organisational hierarchy plays a part in the work related communication flows, the more levels of hierarchy means the longer and delay the information might get to certain subunits and the relevancy and urgency of that information might have diminished by the time it gets to its final destination, Arace et.al 1974 also states the need of networking in the organisation as that will strengthen the communication links between individuals in the organisation. There are various organisational structures that Winch-it can adopt for its international expansion, the most effective one I recommend is the matrix structure. By adopting this structure Whinch-it is basically integrating its operations across more than one dimension Dowling et.al (2008). The advantages to this structural form are no issue is neglected as conflicts of interest are brought out in the open and priority is placed upon any problem that may arise in the organisation. Due to Whinch-it having multiple objectives in their plan to internationalize their business such as not just selling their products in the Asian regions but also moving some of the production overseas the matrix structure is an excellent choice as it fits the strategy of simultaneous pursuits and multiple business dimensions which in will also be given equal priority Dowling et.al (2008). According to Qiu et.al (2012) a number of multinational companies use the matrix system to implement high levels of dual strategies such as foreign product diversification and area diversification; this shows the matrix system fits the situation. This matrix structure is highly effective but is also expensive and will require careful implementation and management from the top management. The staffing context Whinch-it can pursue one of several approaches to international staffing, with each having its advantages and disadvantages. These staffing methods include ethnocentric staffing method which the strategic decisions are made at the headquarters and the foreign subsidiaries have limited autonomy. If Whinch-it feels there are no qualified personals in the host country then ethnocentric approach will prove to be the best one. Having a parent company national will also maintain the communication, coordination and control links to corporate headquarters. Disadvantages of this staffing model include reduced productivity and high turnover as a result of limited promotional opportunities to the host country nationals. Another staffing method that can be used is polycentric, this models allows each subsidiary to be managed by a host country national with some decision making autonomy, this will eliminate some of the problems that ethnocentric have while also eliminating adjustment periods, lan guage barriers and it gives continuity of management of foreign subsidiaries Dowling et.al 2008. Polycentric however has its disadvantages such as language barriers with parent company national and the loyalty to the PCN might be lower that the loyalty to the HCN’s nationality. Geocentric method of staffing takes no account of the nationality of the individuals but their ability to perform the task at hand, the advantages of this according to Dowling et.al (2008) is that it enables a development of an international team that will be ready for deployment throughout the global organisation, one of its disadvantages is the host government wanting a bigger percentage of the employees from the host country and it is very expansive due to increased training and relocation cost. Choosing the correct staffing model for Whinch-it, various factors such as the uncertainty of the foreign market and the rules and laws differing greatly from rules and regulation from the PCN and also the technology advancement being different according to Isidor et.al (2011) technology intensity will increase the likelihood of an ethnocentric staffing method, although this will be beneficial I recommend Winch-it to employ the Geocentric staffing model. This model although expensive will allow the organisation to have the best people for the job who are trained by the organisation and will allow for an easier communication and control throughout all the subsidiaries and the PCN headquarters. According to Gowan (2004) recruitment success results from the organisation understanding of relationship among person-job fit, person-organization fit and cultural differences and recruits accordingly. This will help the organisation in employing high potential employees. Recruitment and selection The goal of organisations is to employ people at the positions that there will be able to do their jobs effectively and efficiently, this aspect is extremely important to the organisation as the employees recruited and selected by the organisation will be vital the success of the organisation. Issues that will arise in the international selection and recruiting are the fact that the national government would want the locals to be hired as opposed to foreigners. The fact that they will be cultural difference in the host country the selection of employees will need to be able to adapt to the host country culture and develop the appropriate behaviours as according to host country. Winch-it should consider the factors the inability of expatriate to adjust to foreign culture as this is the main reason for expatriate fail, this may have resulted because of family concerns as the employee will be separated from family or the family will having difficulties adjusting to the foreign land which can put a lot of emotional strain on the expatriate and therefore may also affect their job. The length of the assignment will also prove to be a problem as the expatriate may require longer time to adjust before being effective but due to the lack of time they may be needed to be effective as soon as possible with no sufficient adjustment time. According to Dowling et.al 2008 the companies can offer the expatriate family friendly policies that will assist the families too in the adjustment and adapting to the foreign land. International compensation and performance management Pay is the most important factor as it as the biggest motivator when it comes to employees performing their task effectively and efficiently. A study taken by Chen et.al 2012 showed that groups that where offered a pay increase worked more cohesive and effective that the group that where offered just the base pay. When going international the parent company nationals will need to be compensated for the perceived risk they will be going by going to a foreign land therefor the expatriates should receive benefits that will offer them the incentive to go to their appointed positions and perform at a high level and avoid expatriate failure. Reference list Lihua, W 2009, Ownership, size, and the formal structure of organizations: evidence from US public and private firms, 1992-2002, Industrial Corporate Change, 18, 4, pp. 595-636, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 30 April 2013 arace, R, Pacanowsky, M 1974, Organizational Communication Role, Hierarchical Level, and Relative Status, Academy Of Management Proceedings (00650668), p. 62, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 30 April 2013. Qiu, J, Donaldson, L 2012, Stopford and Wells were Right! MNC Matrix Structures do fit a High-High Strategy, Management International Review (MIR), 52, 5, pp. 671-689, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 30 April 2013 Isidor, R, Schwens, C, Kabst, R 2011, Human resource management and early internationalization: is there a leap-frogging in international staffing?, International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 22, 10, pp. 2167-2184, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 30 April 2013 Gowan, MA 2004, Development of the Recruitment Value Proposition for Geocentric Staffing, Thunderbird International Business Review, 46, 6, pp. 687-708, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 30 April 2013. Sparrow, PR 2007, Globalization of HR at function level: four UK-based case studies of the international recruitment and selection process, International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 18, 5, pp. 845-867, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 30 April 2013. Chen, C, Williamson, M, Zhou, F 2012, Reward System Design and Group Creativity: An Experimental Investigation, Accounting Review, 87, 6, pp. 1885-1911, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 30 April 2013 Dowling, J Marion Festing, D 2008 â€Å"International human resource management†

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The History and Mechanism of the Atomic Bomb :: Atomic Bombs Physics Weapons Essays

The History and Mechanism of the Atomic Bomb ----------------------- -+ Table of Contents +- ----------------------- I. The History of the Atomic Bomb ------------------------------ A). Development (The Manhattan Project) B). Detonation 1). Hiroshima 2). Nagasaki 3). Byproducts of atomic detonations 4). Blast Zones II. Nuclear Fission/Nuclear Fusion ------------------------------ A). Fission (A-Bomb) & Fusion (H-Bomb) B). U-235, U-238 and Plutonium III. The Mechanism of The Bomb ------------------------- A). Altimeter B). Air Pressure Detonator C). Detonating Head(s) D). Explosive Charge(s) E). Neutron Deflector F). Uranium & Plutonium G). Lead Shield H). Fuses IV. The Diagram of The Bomb ----------------------- A). The Uranium Bomb B). The Plutonium Bomb The History of the Atomic Bomb ------------------------------ On August 2nd 1939, just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to purify U-235 with which might in turn be used to build an atomic bomb. It was shortly thereafter that the United States Government began the serious undertaking known only then as the Manhattan Project. Simply put, the Manhattan Project was committed to expedient research and production that would produce a viable atomic bomb. The most complicated issue to be addressed was the production of ample amounts of `enriched' uranium to sustain a chain reaction. At the time, Uranium-235 was very hard to extract. In fact, the ratio of conversion from Uranium ore to Uranium metal is 500:1. An additional drawback is that the 1 part of Uranium that is finally refined from the ore consists of over 99% Uranium-238, which is practically useless for an atomic bomb. To make it even more difficult, U-235 and U-238 are precisely similar in their chemical makeup. This proved to be as much of a challenge as separating a solution of sucrose from a solution of glucose. No ordinary chemical extraction could separate the two isotopes. Only mechanical methods could effectively separate U-235 from U-238. Several scientists at Columbia University managed to solve this dilemma. A massive enrichment laboratory/plant was constructed at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. H.C. Urey, along with his associates and colleagues at Columbia University, devised a system that worked on the principle of gaseous diffusion. Following this process, Ernest O. Lawrence (inventor of the Cyclotron) at the University of California in Berkeley implemented a process involving magnetic separation of the two isotopes. Following the first two processes, a gas centrifuge was used to further separate the lighter U-235 from the heavier non-fissionable U-238 by their mass.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

National Festivals Essay

Festival is a celebration of life. Festivals bring peace and joy to the masses. They break the monotony of life. Indian festivals are numerous. A festival is a celebration, entertainment or series of performances of a certain kind, often held periodically. Festivals break the monotony of life. They bring peace and joy to the masses. All nations have their religious and cultural festivals. Indian festivals are numerous. They are harmonious, rich, varied and colorful. Indian festivals are varied as the people themselves.They are of three types- national, religious and seasonal. The first type of festivals. i.e. national festivals are celebrated with great patriotic favour These days have been declared as national holidays and are celebrated in all parts of the country with a lot of enthusiasm. The capital, New Delhi, is the seat of national celebrations on such occasions. It witnesses one of the most majestic parades on the Republic Day. These festivals include Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanit etc.. The second type of festivals depict the religious association of the people.Most Indian festivals have their origin either in religions or in the myths and legends of popular faiths. Some are contend with the memory of venerable men and events and are, therefore, commemorative in nature. They are intended to keep alive the memory of those events and personalities and inspire people to emulate their examples. These festivals include Guru Parav, Holi, Lohir, Buddhapurnima, Mahavir Jayanit, Dussehra, Diwali, Janmastami, Chath, Navaratri, Eid,. Third ones mark the change of season.These festival include Bhi, Baisakhi, Onam, Pongal, Basant Panchanmi etc.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Natural child birth VS. Medicated child birth Essay

Abstract: Natural childbirth and medicated birth are the two options practiced all around the world by the gynecologists, these days. However there are some issues related to both the birth process. In this paper we will discuss the pros and cons of both the natural child birth and the medicated child birth. Introduction Natural childbirth: it is a natural process with minimum medical intervention, specifically the use of pain relives medications and surgical interventions (Vernon, D (2005) Medicated child birth: in this type of birth, doctor make use of pain killers and other instruments like episiotomies, forceps and ventouse deliveries and caesarean sections during the delivery process. Every woman during her delivery undergoes pain which is a normal physiological reaction. In a normal birth, pain makes the women to react against the pain by tensing and fighting it. Majority of women around the world prefers natural child births however in some cases the mother prefers to be medicated thus reliving pain. Birth pain is sudden and intense. However, with every contraction the pain gradually fades away resulting in birth of a child. (Sakala, C. , M. Corry, and H. Goer. (2004) So for a mother there are both the options available either to select natural birth or a medicated child birth. Natural child birth is a natural process and there is now side effect except the mother undergoes sever pain. However in case of medicated child birth is artificial process therefore it does have some side effects despite it’s practiced very frequently all around the world Here are some of the pros and cons of both natural and the medicated child birth: Benefits of Natural Childbirth Natural child birth is completely without any medication. Remember that medicine is a medicine and, and even the most secure medicines also have some side effects Mothers that go through natural child birth is able to move freely throughout labor and after as the new researches reveals that medicated birth makes it difficult to move during and after the birth. ( Anderson, G. , et al. (2000) In natural childbirth women feel their body’s reflex, there how they can respond better by pushing faster, as the medication does affect the reflexes thus prolonging the pushing time. (World Health Organization Department of Reproductive Health and Research. (1999) Unmediated birth is natural process and the pain during the birth is also natural that guides the mother to seek specific positions that might help the child to move easily to get into right position of delivery. In majority of cases Mothers has fast recovery after a natural childbirth since they can move freely and easily. Generally they eat immediately and their appetite is normal. In natural child birth Endorphins is secreted within placenta and umbilical cord of the mother. That secretion helps the baby to deliver easily and get adjusted to new environment comfortably. (Lieberman, E. and C. O’Donoghue (2002) Naturally delivered babies are better responsive and show more interest in pre-breastfeeding behaviors such as sucking and massaging the mother’s breasts, as well as the proper length of time they spend nursing during the first one and a half hour. Natural birth also increases the possibility of a healthier and fast recovery because of better hormonal balance. (Righard, L. and M. Alade. (1990). This is because a woman who has given birth with minimal intercession does not need to recover from major abdominal surgery, instrumental delivery, and cut of the perineum, any damage from IV lines, or severe stomach pain, headache backache caused by the use of medication. Natural childbirth increases the natural delivery physiology and laboring progress of healthy, well- feed women and increases interventions in the normal course of natural childbirth. Benefits of Medicated Birth Medicated Birth has a lot of benefits and is been adapted by the mothers all over the world. Some of the benefits are as follows: Women that experience a very long labor pain can benefit from using pain medication to get some relief prior to pushing stage. (Simkin, P. (1992) if the woman is finding the pain unbearable, it will definitely affect the delivery process, pain medication would definitely act as an aiding factor so that her body might not fight against the labor. (E. Jones, Pregnancy, Contraception, and Family Planning Services in Industrialized Countries (1989) similarly if the woman is experiencing some sort of fear, medication would help her by reliving her from severe pain and anxiety. However on the other hand it does have side effects depending upon person to person. Sometimes it is found that Medication has caused the baby sleepy as the anesthesia can penetrate through the placenta. (Ransjo-Arvidson A. B. , Matthiesen. (2001) Moreover pain guides the mother to adjust her position through which the child can adjust within if the child is posterior. However in case of medication the mother can not feel the pain to adjust herself thus may case certain complications in some cases. (Uvnas-Moberg, K. (1998) Conclusion Mothers have the ability to give birth naturally. Despite the women faces the pain but the pain goes away gradually. It is a fast process and has no side effects. The baby is normal and responsive. Pain medication is a great resource in very difficult and prolonged labors when the mother loses her patience to deliver the baby. In such cases epidural is very much effective. Anaesthetics may increase the likelihood of complications ( Knapp, L. (1996) We can find variety of pain killers out there in the market. If the right medicine is used I can help the delivery. Most pain killers do not take pain completely away. It makes pain bearable for the mother thus can concentrate on the birth. However in medicated birth mother always need continuous assistance all through the process.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Esperar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples

Esperar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples Esperar is a common Spanish verb that can mean to hope for, to wait, and to expect. You can figure out which meaning is intended by looking at the context, sentence structure, and whether esperar is followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood. This article explains some of the different uses of esperar in Spanish, as well as esperar conjugations in the present, past, conditional, and future indicative, the present and past subjunctive, the imperative, and other verb forms. Four Ways of Using the Verb Esperar Esperar Que  Followed by a Verb The phrase esperar que is typically followed by a verb. If that verb is in the subjunctive mood, esperar can often be understood to mean hope, while if that verb is in the indicative mood, it usually can be understood to mean expect. The use of the indicative mood suggests some degree of certainty, while the subjunctive mood indicates desire. The use of the subjunctive following esperar que is far more common. Also, the following phrases are common:  ¡Espero que sà ­! (I hope so!) ¡Espero que no! (I hope not!) To Wait or To Wait For This is one of the most common meanings of esperar, as seen in the following examples: Por favor espera aquà ­ por un momento. (Please wait here for a moment.)Bajaron al andà ©n y esperaron el tren. (They stepped down to the platform and waited for the train.)Esperamos la llegada de la policà ­a federal. (We are waiting for the arrival of the federal police.) To Expect This is another common meaning that is determined by the context: El amor llega cuando uno menos lo espera. (Love comes when you least expect it.)Para el 2028 esperamos la llegada de unos 406 mil turistas. (For 2028 we are expecting the arrival of some 406,000 tourists. Note how in some contexts hope for could be a suitable translation.) The phrase estar esperando can be used in the same way as the English to be expecting when referring to pregnancy: Carme Chacà ³n confirma que el bebà © que est esperando es un nià ±o. (Carme Chacon confirms that the baby she is expecting is a boy.) Using Esperar  Like Gustar Esperar is sometimes used in a sentence with inverted word order, like gustar and some other verbs. A better translation in such cases is await: Al dà ³lar le esperan tiempos peores. (Worse times await the dollar.)Me espera una vida nueva en algà ºn lugar del mundo.  (A new life awaits me somewhere in the world.) ¿Quà © avances tecnolà ³gicos nos esperan en el futuro? (What technological advancements await in the future? Present Indicative Esperar is conjugated in the same way as other regular -ar verbs. Yo espero Yo espero el autobà ºs por la maà ±ana. I wait for the bus in the morning. Tà º esperas Tà º esperas a tu amigo en el aeropuerto. You wait for your friend at the airport. Usted/à ©l/ella espera Ella espera triunfar en la competencia. She hopes to succeed in the competition. Nosotros esperamos Nosotros esperamos verte pronto. We hope to see you soon. Vosotros esperis Vosotros esperis al bebà © para agosto. You expect the baby in August. Ustedes/ellos/ellas esperan Ellos esperan lluvia esta tarde. They expect rain this afternoon. Preterite Indicative The preterite tense is used to talk about events that happened in the past and have been completed. Yo esperà © Yo esperà © el autobà ºs por la maà ±ana. I waited for the bus in the morning. Tà º esperaste Tà º esperaste a tu amigo en el aeropuerto. You waited for your friend at the airport. Usted/à ©l/ella esperà ³ Ella esperà ³ triunfar en la competencia. She hoped to succeed in the competition. Nosotros esperamos Nosotros esperamos verte pronto. We hoped to see you soon. Vosotros esperasteis Vosotros esperasteis al bebà © para agosto. You expected the baby in August. Ustedes/ellos/ellas esperaron Ellos esperaron lluvia esta tarde. They expected rain this afternoon. Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is used to talk about actions in the past that were ongoing or repeated, and it can be translated to English as was waiting or used to wait. Yo esperaba Yo esperaba el autobà ºs por la maà ±ana. I used to wait for the bus in the morning. Tà º esperabas Tà º esperabas a tu amigo en el aeropuerto. You used to wait for your friend at the airport. Usted/à ©l/ella esperaba Ella esperaba triunfar en la competencia. She was hopingto succeed in the competition. Nosotros esperbamos Nosotros esperbamos verte pronto. We were hopingto see you soon. Vosotros esperabais Vosotros esperabais al bebà © para agosto. You were expecting the baby in August. Ustedes/ellos/ellas esperaban Ellos esperaban lluvia esta tarde. They were expecting rain this afternoon. Future Indicative Yo esperarà © Yo esperarà © el autobà ºs por la maà ±ana. I will wait for the bus in the morning. Tà º esperars Tà º esperars a tu amigo en el aeropuerto. You will wait for your friend at the airport. Usted/à ©l/ella esperar Ella esperar triunfar en la competencia. She will hopeto succeed in the competition. Nosotros esperaremos Nosotros esperaremos verte pronto. We will hopeto see you soon. Vosotros esperarà ©is Vosotros esperarà ©is al bebà © para agosto. You will expect the baby in August. Ustedes/ellos/ellas esperarn Ellos esperarn lluvia esta tarde. They will expect rain this afternoon. Periphrastic  Future Indicative   The periphrastic future is sometimes called the near future and is translated to English as going to verb. Yo voy a esperar Yo voya esperar el autobà ºs por la maà ±ana. I am going to wait for the bus in the morning. Tà º vasa esperar Tà º vasa esperar a tu amigo en el aeropuerto. You aregoing to wait for your friend at the airport. Usted/à ©l/ella va a esperar Ella vaa esperar triunfar en la competencia. She isgoing to hopeto succeed in the competition. Nosotros vamosa esperar Nosotros vamosa esperar verte pronto. We aregoing to hopeto see you soon. Vosotros vaisa esperar Vosotros vaisa esperaral bebà © para agosto. You aregoing to expect the baby for August. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana esperar Ellos vana esperar lluvia esta tarde. They aregoing to expect rain this afternoon. Present Progressive/Gerund Form The verb form that ends in -ing in English is called the gerund or present participle in Spanish. It is often used to form progressive tenses like the present progressive. Present Progressive ofEsperar est esperando Ella est esperando triunfar en la competencia. She is expecting to succeed in the competition. Past Participle In Spanish, the past participle usually ends in -ado or -ido, and is used to form perfect tenses like the present perfect. Present Perfect of Esperar ha esperado Ella ha esperado triunfar en la competencia. She has expected to succeed in the competition. Esperar Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is used to talk about possibilities, and is usually translated to English as would verb. Yo esperarà ­a Yo esperarà ­a el autobà ºs por la maà ±ana si me despertara temprano. I would wait for the bus in the morning if I were to wake up early . Tà º esperarà ­as Tà º esperarà ­as a tu amigo en el aeropuerto si te viniera a visitar. You would wait for your friend at the airport if he came to visit you. Usted/à ©l/ella esperarà ­a Ella esperarà ­a triunfar en la competencia, pero no es optimista. She would hopeto succeed in the competition, but she is not optimistic. Nosotros esperarà ­amos Nosotros esperarà ­amos verte pronto, pero sabemos que es complicado. We would hopeto see you soon, but we know it is complicated. Vosotros esperarà ­ais Vosotros esperarà ­ais al bebà © para agosto si lo dijera el doctor. You would expect the baby in August if the doctor said so. Ustedes/ellos/ellas esperarà ­an Ellos esperarà ­an lluvia esta tarde si el pronà ³stico lo indicara. They would expect rain this afternoon if the forecast were to indicate it. Esperar Present Subjunctive Que yo espere Mi madre sugiere que yo espere el autobà ºs por la maà ±ana. My mother suggests that I wait for the bus in the morning. Que tà º esperes Marta pide que tà º esperes a tu amigo en el aeropuerto. Marta asks that you wait for your friend at the airport. Que usted/à ©l/ella espere El entrenador recomienda que ella espere triunfar en la competencia. The coach recommends that she hope to succeed in the competition. Que nosotros esperemos Erica desea que nosotros esperemos verte pronto. Erica wishes that we hope to see you soon. Que vosotros esperà ©is El mà ©dico recomienda que vosotros esperà ©is al bebà © para agosto. The doctor recommends that you expect the baby in August. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas esperen El meteorà ³logo sugiere que ellos esperen lluvia esta tarde. The meteorologist suggests that they expect rain this afternoon. Esperar Imperfect Subjunctive There are two different ways for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive. The first option below is more common. Option 1 Que yo esperara Mi madre sugerà ­a que yo esperara el autobà ºs por la maà ±ana. My mother suggested that I wait for the bus in the morning. Que tà º esperaras Marta pidià ³ que tà º esperaras a tu amigo en el aeropuerto. Marta asked that you wait for your friend at the airport. Que usted/à ©l/ella esperara El entrenador recomendaba que ella esperara triunfar en la competencia. The coach recommended that she hope to succeed in the competition. Que nosotros esperramos Erica deseaba que nosotros esperramos verte pronto. Erica wished that we hope to see you soon. Que vosotros esperarais El mà ©dico recomendà ³ que vosotros esperarais al bebà © para agosto. The doctor recommended that you expect the baby in August. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas esperaran El meteorà ³logo sugirià ³ que ellos esperaran lluvia esta tarde. The meteorologist suggested that they expect rain this afternoon. Option 2 Que yo esperase Mi madre sugerà ­a que yo esperase el autobà ºs por la maà ±ana. My mother suggested that I wait for the bus in the morning. Que tà º esperases Marta pidià ³ que tà º esperases a tu amigo en el aeropuerto. Marta asked that you wait for your friend at the airport. Que usted/à ©l/ella esperase El entrenador recomendaba que ella esperase triunfar en la competencia. The coach recommended that she hope to succeed in the competition. Que nosotros espersemos Erica deseaba que nosotros espersemos verte pronto. Erica wished that we hope to see you soon. Que vosotros esperaseis El mà ©dico recomendà ³ que vosotros esperaseis al bebà © para agosto. The doctor recommended that you expect the baby in August. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas esperasen El meteorà ³logo sugirià ³ que ellos esperasen lluvia esta tarde. The meteorologist suggested that they expect rain this afternoon. Esperar Imperative The imperative mood is used to give commands, and it has both positive and negative forms. Positive Commands Tà º espera  ¡Espera a tu amigo en el aeropuerto! Wait for your friend at the airport! Usted espere  ¡Espere triunfar en la competencia! Hope to succeed in the competition! Nosotros esperemos  ¡Esperemos verte pronto! Let's hope to see you soon! Vosotros esperad  ¡Esperad al bebà © para agosto! Expect the baby in August! Ustedes esperen  ¡Esperen lluvia esta tarde! Expect rain this afternoon! Negative Commands Tà º no esperes  ¡No esperes a tu amigo en el aeropuerto! Don't wait for your friend at the airport! Usted no espere  ¡No espere triunfar en la competencia! Don't hope to succeed in the competition! Nosotros no esperemos  ¡No esperemos verte pronto! Let's not hope to see you soon! Vosotros no esperà ©is  ¡No esperà ©is al bebà © para agosto! Don't expect the baby in August! Ustedes no esperen  ¡No esperen lluvia esta tarde! Don't expect rain this afternoon!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Explication

In the poem â€Å"The Road not taken,† Robert Frost describes his decision on which road to lead his life. â€Å"To roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth.† This stanza is describing Robert Frost’s encounter in life of which road to lead hi life. The poem also describes in lines one and two that he must choose only one road to go down because one man cannot travel two roads at one time. In lines three and four Robert Frost describes himself looking down the roads to see all he can before making his life’s decision. â€Å"Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same.† In the second stanza, Robert Frost is describing how he looked at the other road, and how it looked to be the better of the two because of it’s â€Å"grassy† and well traveled appearance. Line three is showing that this is the road that is most taken by people. Then in line five Robert Frost shows us that both roads are worn about the same and that they have both been used equally. â€Å"And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.† In the third stanza Frost is describing in detail that the decision made today is not final but he is pretty sure he knows that his choice will be a good one. Take for instance line three basically shows that the road he does not choose will be available to me later or another day. Then in line five Frost states that the choice made today will be the right one and he doubts he will have to come back to take the other road. â€Å"I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hen... Free Essays on Explication Free Essays on Explication In the poem â€Å"The Road not taken,† Robert Frost describes his decision on which road to lead his life. â€Å"To roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth.† This stanza is describing Robert Frost’s encounter in life of which road to lead hi life. The poem also describes in lines one and two that he must choose only one road to go down because one man cannot travel two roads at one time. In lines three and four Robert Frost describes himself looking down the roads to see all he can before making his life’s decision. â€Å"Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same.† In the second stanza, Robert Frost is describing how he looked at the other road, and how it looked to be the better of the two because of it’s â€Å"grassy† and well traveled appearance. Line three is showing that this is the road that is most taken by people. Then in line five Robert Frost shows us that both roads are worn about the same and that they have both been used equally. â€Å"And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.† In the third stanza Frost is describing in detail that the decision made today is not final but he is pretty sure he knows that his choice will be a good one. Take for instance line three basically shows that the road he does not choose will be available to me later or another day. Then in line five Frost states that the choice made today will be the right one and he doubts he will have to come back to take the other road. â€Å"I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hen...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning in Sociology

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning in Sociology Deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning are two different approaches to conducting scientific research. Using deductive reasoning, a researcher tests a theory by collecting and examining empirical evidence to see if the theory is true. Using inductive reasoning, a researcher first gathers and analyzes data, then constructs a theory to explain her findings. Within the field of sociology, researchers use both approaches. Often the two are used in conjunction when conducting research and when drawing conclusions from results. Deductive Reasoning Many scientists consider deductive reasoning the gold standard for scientific research. Using this method, one begins with a theory or hypothesis, then conducts research in order to test whether that theory or hypothesis is supported by specific evidence. This form of research begins at a general, abstract level and then works its way down to a more specific and concrete level. If something is found to be true for a category of things, then it is considered to be true for all things in that category in general. An  example of how deductive reasoning is applied within sociology can be found in a 2014 study of whether biases of race or gender shape access to graduate-level education. A team of researchers used deductive reasoning to hypothesize that, due to the prevalence of racism in society, race would play a role in shaping how university professors respond to prospective graduate students who express interest in their research. By tracking professor responses (and lack of responses) to imposter students, coded for race and gender by name, the researchers were able to prove their hypothesis true. They concluded, based on their research, that racial and gender biases are barriers that prevent equal access to graduate-level education across the U.S. Inductive Reasoning Unlike deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning begins with specific observations or real examples of events, trends, or social processes. Using this data, researchers then progress analytically to broader generalizations and theories that help explain the observed cases. This is sometimes called a bottom-up approach because it starts with specific cases on the ground and works its way up to the abstract level of theory. Once a researcher has identified patterns and trends amongst a set of data, he or she can then formulate a hypothesis to test, and eventually develop some general conclusions or theories. A classic example of inductive reasoning in sociology is  Ãƒâ€°mile Durkheims study of suicide. Considered one of the first works of social science research, the  famous and widely taught book, Suicide, details how Durkheim created a sociological theory of suicide- as opposed to a psychological one- based on his scientific study of suicide rates among Catholics and Protestants. Durkheim found that suicide was more common among Protestants than Catholics, and he drew on his training in social theory to create some typologies of suicide and a general theory of how suicide rates fluctuate according to significant changes in social structures and norms. While inductive reasoning is commonly used in scientific research, it is not without its weaknesses. For example, it is not always logically valid to assume that a general principle is correct simply because it is supported by a limited number of cases. Critics have suggested that Durkheims theory is not universally true because the trends he observed could possibly be explained by other phenomena particular to the region from which his data came. By nature, inductive reasoning is more open-ended and exploratory, especially during the early stages. Deductive reasoning is more narrow and is generally used to test or confirm hypotheses. Most social research, however, involves both inductive and deductive reasoning throughout the research process. The scientific norm of logical reasoning provides a two-way bridge between theory and research. In practice, this typically involves alternating between deduction and induction.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Family Law has Evolved to Suit Modern Society Essay

Family Law has Evolved to Suit Modern Society - Essay Example However, the Law Commission’s paper recommending reformations that would govern the distribution of property between cohabitants upon the breakup of the relationship3 demonstrates that Family Law in England and Wales has still further to evolve before it can be consistent with modern society. The Law Commission’s paper identifies a crucial inconsistency between British Family law and modern society. The reality is families are formed without the benefit of a solemnized marriage in modern society, particularly between same sex partners. These families start out like any other family intending to make their lives together indefinitely and by making this commitment they raise children together and purchase property together. In other words, in modern society the structure of the family has changed dramatically.4 The introduction of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 grants same sex couples with the facilities to establish a partnership that is similar to a civil partnership an d confers upon the partners specific rights and responsibilities that are commonly granted to married couples.5 However, there is no right to claim financial/spousal support upon the breakdown on a civil partnership.6 Beyond the 2004 Act, unmarried couples remain at a disadvantage in terms of settling property once the relationship comes to an end. This reality has led the Law Commission to refer to the concept of common law marriage as a â€Å"myth†.7 As Baroness Ruth Deech explains, the idea that there is a family institution in England and Wales referred to as â€Å"common law marriage† is â€Å"erroneous†.8 The judiciary does not have the authority to settle property or the rights of couples who have lived together for any period of time and have decided to end their relationship. The only recourse of cohabiting couples ending a relationship is to seek civil remedies relative to claiming property through litigation.9 For unwed couples who live together all q uestions relative to finances and property must be resolved by reference to the applicable property and trusts laws.10 It is unfortunate that unmarried couples are denied the opportunity to resolve the financial issues arising out of the breakdown of their cohabitation when modern society demands that they do. Samantha Singer explains that public opinion is on the side of granting unmarried cohabitees the same property rights as married couples. For instance, British Social Attitudes Survey conducted in 2006 revealed that most members of the public are of the view that â€Å"cohabitants should have access to financial relief on relationship breakdown†.11 A more recent study on unmarried cohabitees in 2007/2008 revealed that 74% of the respondents supported the idea of unmarried couples having access to marital property settlement laws upon the breakdown of their relationship.12 The consequences of the denial of matrimonial property settlement laws are particularly difficult f or the cohabitee who depended on the financial support of the other cohabitee. The Family law applicable to married couples certainly recognizes the potential for hardship on the dependent spouse. For instance, Section 25A(2) of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 provides that the court is required to determine whether or not an order for spousal support is necessary and in doing so, the court must determine: Whether it would be appropriate to require those payments to be made†¦

Disccuss Mary Cassatt's The CHild's Bath 1893 in terms of one or two Essay

Disccuss Mary Cassatt's The CHild's Bath 1893 in terms of one or two ideas - Essay Example Also, Cassett shows her interest in Japanese woodblock print which is evident in this picture. The painting of a Child Bath is based on a mother cleaning a little child's feet in a tub of water (Art Institute of Chicago). The walls behind this cozy scene are covered in a wall paper decorated with a flowery pattern. The floor appears to be a carpet of some sort: designed intricately with flowers placed inside boxes. A jug is placed to the right side of the painting. The mother is fully dressed in a long gown and has a child placed on her knee. The child is looking down and is clothed with a single white cloth. The artist has used very vibrant colors in this painting. There are no shadows and there is a very bold brushwork used by the artist. She uses an asymmetrical style (Art Access).The shape of the woman and child's head, the basin and the pitcher are circular. The image also has a symmetrical striped pattern. Thus, the entire painting is in perfect asymmetrical form. This, along with Cassatt's decision to paint from an unusual position: above. Adler speaks of how to think about art in his book. In an interview with Luckman he claims art to be a technique which uses skill or expert to produce a piece. This is exactly what Cassatt uses in her work, technique to produce a perfect painting. While this painting is n

Friday, October 18, 2019

Media and Gender Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Media and Gender - Research Paper Example With the advent of media and information technology, sweeping changes has manifested itself on women. Today, women spend all their time and resources on media, and are willing to anything in order to be beautiful or change their natural outlooks. This clearly shows that women use media as a tool of educating themselves as a way of seeking freedom from the yoke of women folk, which has enslaved them for long (Joo, 2012). It is evidently clear that most of the media houses take considerable airtime to advertise what appropriate appearance a woman should have in the modern world. This includes the likes of â€Å"figure eight†, tall and slender and less body weight women. Some of these ideal desirable body structures are may not be attainable practically by some of the women. This creates a negative mindset of dissatisfaction from such women should they fail to attain such desirable qualities (In Carter et al, 2014). Therefore, they start a voyage of events that will see them modify their natural bodies in order to pose those deemed desirable by the society. The main problem associated to most of these processes and operations women have to go through may bring adverse lifelong damages in health of victims. The worst outcomes arise where the desired body appearance fails to happen, or the desired characteristics become abnormal, the likes of the various cases that have been documented. Several w omen are on record to have for instance, applied breast enlargement cream only for one of the breasts to be extremely larger than normal and fail to match with the other pair. The main problem is that, some of these outcomes remain unchanged forever and hence a permanent scar of psychological dissatisfaction rules the entire life of a woman in question. Scholars have cautioned on negative results of female objections in the media. It is not, therefore, miracles to find women in the society who are bed-ridden after suffering the negative images that are

Mktg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Mktg - Essay Example The logistical channel also affects the packing of goods, perishable goods like vegetable since they usually go bad easily. The chemical property of a product also determines its packaging method since certain products are incompatible like watermelon which is sensitive to ethylene is packed from the exposure to these gases. The first strategy being used is the reduction of the packaging material being used. The possible suggestions are using a material which is recyclable and reduces packaging waste. The second is the use of a packaging strategy that is environmental friendly packaging material. The third strategy is the use of reusable containers. Though this cannot be done to all the products but it is advisable for the few that is possible, for example, refilling of glass bottles. The fourth strategy is the supporting and retaining services that collect used packaging and those that recycle it. The third and the fourth strategy add a loop to the supply chain. Transportations is an example of a logistic system. Therefore for effective transportation of products then the reduction of packaging influences its performance as; the reduction in the density of a product will determine the shipping tenderers requests since the load densities makes best . The second is protective packaging reduces the risk of the product being damaged during transit. The environmental and the ergonomic principle are the most surprising principle to me. With respect to the environmental principle, this principle is greatly violated today since a lot of produced are not biodegradable hence harmful effects to the society around them. The use of plastic bags is the best example to be used here. The safety of human being has been a point of contention in today’s world. The life of human beings is a point of contention in most firms such as the manufacturing companies where poor workers conditions and ethical working rights are violated. This is the reasons for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Named data networking Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Named data networking - Term Paper Example Named data networking is a new architecture that has been developed to revolutionize the current internet architecture. There is no doubt the network engineers have made significant development in the current network design. Indeed, current networks have many innovations that have transformed how data are shared between various computers connected to the internet. Despite these, the same network is characterized by many challenges that have hindered the transfer of data between different endpoints. However, the named data networking is a paradigm that is poised to overcome the many challenges facing current implementation of networks. The introduction of named data networking will give more emphasis on data, liberate content from providers and provide a myriad of benefits to computer users, despite having some limitations. How named data network works The development of the named data networking is based on a number of concepts that work to improve how data is shared across the inter net. These concepts shape the function of any named data network based on the principle of named data networking. In a named data networking, each piece of data has a name, which uniquely identifies the data anywhere in the network configuration. In addition, all pieces of data provide more information on what they contain rather than what they are. The change from who to what is a significant shift that defines how named data networks function (Chen, Goes, & Marsden 154). ... This is a process where data are signed with unique signature name that also secure the metadata. The specific signatures are public keys with binding enforced between names and data. Because of this, a named data network does not need a name lookup process. Named data networks also have encryption mechanism that secures packets during transit from one location to another. Naming principles are a core function that influences the functioning of named data network. In a named data network, variable length identifiers are used to name data thus categorizing them into hierarchies. Content versions and segments are used to characterize information at the lower levels of a named data network (Serpanos and Wolf 23). When in use, the named data network works by specifying how information can traverse the network. The selection process is done when a host sends an interest group. The transport strategy in named data networks entails sending of single data packets in response to each interest packet received. In some instances, network hosts can send many interest packets to ensure that flow of data is controlled in some applications. With the difficulty of flow control, network nodes learn the best strategy to send their packets to support an end-to-end communication. Content segments are also used to replace TCP sequence numbers in use. Named data networks have different routing mechanism. A named data network makes use of a mechanism that provides link advertisement between various nodes. This advertisement provides includes a named prefix. Similarly, OSPF protocols can be used to achieve intra-domain routing that includes type-label values that indicated in the protocol segment. The use of names removes the challenge of using IP architecture for routing

Describe and discuss what, in your opinion, are the main difficulties Essay

Describe and discuss what, in your opinion, are the main difficulties facing Records Managers attempting to manage the electronic records of an organisation - Essay Example Unless these challenges are addressed, valuable government information may be lost forever (Bearman 1990; Cox 2000; Dearstyne 2002; Veatch 2002; and Kurtz 2004). Electronic records management or ERM that is mainly managing and preserving access to digital records is not and never will be easy; but it is not an impossible task. ERM provides a digital environment for capturing electronic documents and applying standard records management practices. Supporting the medium to long term information management needs of the business, it manages a corporate filing structure, document classification within the filing structure and formal retention and disposition scheduling. This is based on an approved disposition and review schedule of the organization (eGovernment 2001). The following three events noted by Kurtz (2004) speak of the value of maintaining sensible ERM practice today. They point to neglect of preserving information and ignoring the impact of technology. First, in March 2002, the FBI's handling of the investigative records of the Timothy McVeigh case was attributed to outmoded computer systems and systemic information management problems that created a last-minute delay in the execution of McVeigh. According to the report, thousands of pages of FBI investigation reports were not turned over to McVeigh's lawyers before the trial due in part to antiquated computer systems that could not locate and retrieve the needed information. Timothy James McVeigh was an American convicted of eleven federal offenses and ultimately executed as a result of his role in the April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City bombing. He is commonly referred to as the Oklahoma City bomber. The bombing, which claimed 168 lives, was the deadliest act of terrorism in U.S. history until the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York, and remains the deadliest incident of domestic terrorism in U.S. history (Cole 1996). Second, on September 11, 2001, the tragic events at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon highlighted the importance of having continuity of operations plans in the event of a disaster. In both places, business operations were affected because critical information was destroyed. Without such plans, agency information assets and future business operations and services are at risk (Kurtz 2004). Third, numerous allegations have been made concerning the Departments of Interior and Treasury destroying Indian trust account records related to a class action lawsuit filed against the Government. The plaintiffs allege that the Government has mismanaged and lost information on individual Indian trust accounts that will deprive the plaintiffs of billions of dollars in royalties (Kurtz 2004). This paper looks into the main difficulties facing records managers attempting to manage the electronic records of an organisation. They include old ways of operation, patchy compliance to laws, absence of corporate control, the dysfunctional ways archivists look at records, resistance of archivists to changes, governments and universities ignoring ERM, leadership void, lack of guiding principles, diminished role of archivists and records managers in information policy, and lack of competency of archivists and records mangers. In this paper, the terms "archivists" and "records managers" are used interchangeably. DIFFICULTIES Old ways of Operation. Prior to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Named data networking Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Named data networking - Term Paper Example Named data networking is a new architecture that has been developed to revolutionize the current internet architecture. There is no doubt the network engineers have made significant development in the current network design. Indeed, current networks have many innovations that have transformed how data are shared between various computers connected to the internet. Despite these, the same network is characterized by many challenges that have hindered the transfer of data between different endpoints. However, the named data networking is a paradigm that is poised to overcome the many challenges facing current implementation of networks. The introduction of named data networking will give more emphasis on data, liberate content from providers and provide a myriad of benefits to computer users, despite having some limitations. How named data network works The development of the named data networking is based on a number of concepts that work to improve how data is shared across the inter net. These concepts shape the function of any named data network based on the principle of named data networking. In a named data networking, each piece of data has a name, which uniquely identifies the data anywhere in the network configuration. In addition, all pieces of data provide more information on what they contain rather than what they are. The change from who to what is a significant shift that defines how named data networks function (Chen, Goes, & Marsden 154). ... This is a process where data are signed with unique signature name that also secure the metadata. The specific signatures are public keys with binding enforced between names and data. Because of this, a named data network does not need a name lookup process. Named data networks also have encryption mechanism that secures packets during transit from one location to another. Naming principles are a core function that influences the functioning of named data network. In a named data network, variable length identifiers are used to name data thus categorizing them into hierarchies. Content versions and segments are used to characterize information at the lower levels of a named data network (Serpanos and Wolf 23). When in use, the named data network works by specifying how information can traverse the network. The selection process is done when a host sends an interest group. The transport strategy in named data networks entails sending of single data packets in response to each interest packet received. In some instances, network hosts can send many interest packets to ensure that flow of data is controlled in some applications. With the difficulty of flow control, network nodes learn the best strategy to send their packets to support an end-to-end communication. Content segments are also used to replace TCP sequence numbers in use. Named data networks have different routing mechanism. A named data network makes use of a mechanism that provides link advertisement between various nodes. This advertisement provides includes a named prefix. Similarly, OSPF protocols can be used to achieve intra-domain routing that includes type-label values that indicated in the protocol segment. The use of names removes the challenge of using IP architecture for routing

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Environmental- Economics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental- Economics - Case Study Example The solution to the problem was found in china through the creation and implementation of the energy laws that were created by the Central goverment. This is because the government of China has been aware of the environmental problems. There were several policies that were introduced in the effort to find a solution for the energy environment problems. One of these was the Environmental Protection Law for trial Implementation, which was created in 1979. Provisions to protect the environment were also made within the constitution in 1982 in addition to the Article 26 of the constitution which requires that the state provides protection and improvement of the environment where people and other ecological organisms live through the reduction of pollution. These laws and policies were also established to make it possible to practically apply the governmental environmental policies. In addition, this kind of depletion and exhaustion of resources called for the reduction in the used of ene rgy in the production and consumption areas. There was also a need to save the energy and use methods that were friendly to the environment and to promote technological innovations that would reduce the intensity of energy while at the same time increasing its efficiency as illustrated in Shanghai (Fig. 1). This was enabled by the enactment of the conservation laws and the application of economic incentives whereby the used of energy would be regulated and the emission of pollutants limited (Economy & Lieberthal, 2007). At this point, the main people who were affected by the particular policy included the producers and manufacturers who were required to use energy efficient means of production. The consumers would also be affected as either the prices of goods would go up or the number of products made available would reduce (Wheeler, Susmita & Hua, 2003). For the successful

Monday, October 14, 2019

Genre Analysis Essay Example for Free

Genre Analysis Essay For this rhetorical analysis I have done research on two electronics engineering documents commonly referred to as project proposals. The first project proposal that was reviewed was for Security Guard Monitoring Systems by Group Engineering Solutions (GES). The second proposal is a business-oriented document for Multi-Robot Manipulation and Maintenance for Fault-Tolerant Systems by Shanghai International Conference Center (SICC). The purpose of this rhetorical analysis is to identify various similarities and differences within the specified texts using Anne Beaufort’s (a linguist in the field of writing) five-knowledge domains: genre, subject matter, rhetoric, writing process, and discourse community. The attention of this rhetorical analysis will be mainly focused on the intended audience, context of the documents, writing structure and format, and each author’s appeal to Anne Beaufort’s rhetorical knowledge domain. The Shanghai proposal was written by an electronics engineer for viewers within several different qualifications and statuses. Apparently this proposal’s targeted audiences are people at the Shanghai Conference Center. The primary audience would consist of employees that are in the workplace genre of mechatronics and automation (MA), such as financers, operators, and managers. The second audience consists of those that may work in smaller sections of the field, such as maintenance workers, auditors, and supervisors. There are also audiences besides the primary and secondary audiences. Other potential audiences might include legislatures, product testers, and other smaller services within the field of engineering. This is evident through the description of the projects maintenance procedures. Someone has to test the machine and meetings must be held to discuss them. Unlike the Shanghai proposal the Group Solutions Engineer (GES) proposal has various audiences that don’t spread out to the same extent that Shanghai’s do. The project proposal by GES does not meet the expectations of business companies instead, their proposal meet expectations for good academics. This claim was easily identified at the beginning of text. They clearly stated that â€Å"Dr. Miguel Figueroa and Dr. Nayda G. Santiago† was receiving the proposal. Additional support to this claim was found through extended research on the two professors. The two professors are both neurologist which seemingly has nothing to do with engineering. This makes it apparent that the professors were teaching at a college or university during the proposal of this project. This also explains why they were the targeted audience (primary audience) for the proposal. The secondary audiences for the GES proposal are other university graduate students. Similar to Shanghai, the GES proposal also has a third audience except, these audiences consist of spectators and scouts. In other words, these viewers are graduate students from another university or managers out for potential employees. Moreover, Shanghai’s proposal contains several rhetorical aspects in is context. Shanghai’s proposal was obviously written in response to a company’s request for improved multi-robot systems. This demand was recognized because of the frequently used term referring to problems, errors, and system malfunctions. More specifically, they used the term â€Å"failure† more consistently than others throughout the paper. For instance, in part â€Å"a† of section five (V Multi- Robot Maintenance policy) the writer of this Shanghai proposal says â€Å"In this period†¦the failure rate of the robot is also increased. † Another aspect contained within the Shanghai proposal is on how they express time as an issue. The term â€Å"failure† also implies that there is a time limit for this project proposal. It is relevant to assume that this project proposal was in the process of being developed during the time that the multi-robot machines were failing to operate accordingly. One can also tell that demand for the proposal was growing by reading the maintenance policy section. They take previous robot failures into considerations and develop loop holes to overcome it. Although the company that the proposal was written for isn’t mentioned in the document, it is easy to see that this proposal was written in response to some company’s policy. Unlike Shanghai’s proposal, the GES proposal does express who the proposal was written in response to. GES proposal was written in response to the request of the University of Puerto Rico (title page). Another contextual aspect in which differs from Shanghai’s proposal is the time constraint that is also posed on their proposal. GES makes it easier to recognize that they are working in a timely manner. They clearly state â€Å"A work breakdown structure has been created in which all members†¦work in two variables: time and personnel† (section 1. 3). This evidence arises from the fact that the group of graduate students working on this proposal are attempting to fulfill the requirements for the project. This evidence is also apparent because of diagrams and charts used to show how much the project proposal has progressed (section 2. 6). In addition to sections 2. 6, section 2. 7 gives explicit detail, also using diagrams and charts, on the â€Å"work breakdown structure. This section displays the tasks assigned to each genre of the project such as, oral presentation, software prototype, web application, and final report. The work is divided evenly amongst the group to ensure that they have successfully completed the requirements relative to the audiences’ values which will, later on, be discussed in further detail. In addition to the contexts (frameworks) of the proposals, there are several similarities in both GES and Shanghai’s writing structures and formats. The first similarity located in the proposals is often used in writing books such as literature, political science, and algebra. Both proposals use a wide range of bold letters, titles, and numbers. They also use titled numbers or subheadings, bullets, and roman numerals. Even though these writing style are incorporated in both project proposals, GES uses titled numbers, subheadings, and bullets (even checks) more frequently than Shanghai’s proposal. Shanghai’s proposal repeatedly uses roman numerals, and subheadings with starting letters (for example; B. Robot Failure). Both seem to be an effective approach to formatting project proposals. Moreover, abbreviations are also used quite frequently throughout the proposals. Like GES, Shanghai makes an effort to use abbreviations to make it less difficult for readers to comprehend. However, their attempt in doing so has obvious flaws that can potentially puzzle the reader and shorten the number of intended audiences. For example, â€Å"Weibull distribution depicts the decreasing-failure-rate (DFR)†¦period of the bathtub curve† (section B: Robot Failure). The proposal tells what each letter in the acronym stands for, but it does not define the abbreviation as a whole whereas, GES proposal doesn’t give an explicit description of each term, but defines it completely. Another method of writing noticed within the proposals is the inclusion of references at the end. These references often consists of others documents that helped produce the current one. It is apparent that references are commonly used in any form of written documents regardless of its field or genre. Adding to the structure and formatting, both proposals present several rhetorical features relative to Anne Beaufort’s rhetorical knowledge domain (ethos, logos, and pathos). The GES proposal puts most of its efforts into establishing its credibility (ethos). In the personal biography section of their proposal they give explicit detail about their background experiences in their field of study such as, software and hardware engineering. The proposal also provides charts and graphs of estimated costs which show that they are the best team to be chosen for the project. It also shows that they are prepared for real life situations. Shanghai’s proposal does not focus the entirety of its text on ethos, because most of its audiences are professionals within their company. There is no evidence to prove their experience in the field however; the credibility that is provided in the document consists of only charts and drawings that show that they will likely have effective productivity. These graphs and charts also help the company see the approach taken to improve the systems. Moreover, both proposals take consideration in establishing logos. The charts and graphs each proposal uses to establish credibility is also used to establish logic. These charts and graphs are used to support their claim that they meet all the required policies for the completion of the project. Pathos is also used widely in Shanghai and GES proposals. As mentioned earlier both proposals are relevant to the audiences common values (end of page 3). These values are expense, time, proficiency, and development. The charts and graphs used to support the ethos and logos in each proposal are also used to support this claim. They provide a description of estimated cost, efficiency and productivity, and give a timely description of the projects progression. The wide-ranging of appeal to these values allows for each proposal to be very persuasive while passing on factual statistics. Most project proposals are done similar to Shanghai’s and Group Engineering Solutions (GES) proposals. These two documents contain several similarities and differences in their rhetorical features. Although both texts may differ in their proposal method, they both have the same goal. They were meant to convince the reader that they were the most fit group or company for the completion of the project proposal. After completing this rhetorical analysis I realize the significance in writing in the specific genre. Each project proposal reflects positively according to the necessity of the request.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What factors influence the onset of drug addiction?

What factors influence the onset of drug addiction? Familial Risk Factors Favoring Drug Addiction Onset Introduction: The purpose of the study is to indicate the factors that are suspected to be affecting children for drug abuse. The author Zimic and Jukic have concluded their work Familial Risk Factors Drug Addiction Onset which is a sound research based on a sample of 146 addicts and 134 control subjects. The hypothesis of the study is drug addiction might surely be seen from parental standpoint. The hypothesis is taken on the basis of past results, different case studies, and research papers on the subject of drug addiction. The authors seem to have biased thinking towards drug addiction related with parents and the child’s upbringing. Though there is a direct relation between a child and parents but it is not certain that they are the reason for this drug abuse. The paper, however, discusses very little about other factors including peer groups, friends, social environment and other factors. According to the authors, drug addiction is most prone to children in their teen age for which surveillance from parents is much required in order to have a look at their daily routine, the friendships they have, and relations with the people surrounding their children (Zimic and Jukic, 2012). The behavior of overlooking a child in the teen age causes serious troubles to let them astray from their supposed pattern of life, a happy and healthy life, to a drug addicted life which remains for lifetime. These are the factors, the major points and real time facts which have been discussed in the study along with the familial factor that, according to authors, make drug addiction more stream line for a child who doesn’t have enough knowledge for outside world in the teen age. Methods: The study was conducted in time interval from 2008 to 2009 in which they took a sample of drug addicts and normal (non-drug addict) people from the population. The total number of drug addicts was 146 in which there we 92 men, 51 women and 3 other people who didn’t specify their gender but their age was between 18 and 46 years. The survey was done using questionnaire, having around 67 different variables involved in the questions. This study was taken while the addicts were undergoing through the recovery process in different psychiatrist hospitals. The sample for control group or the normal group had a total of 134 people of which 88 were men, 45 were females and 1 of the 134 people didn’t specify the gender but the age of that individual was between 17 and 44 years of age. The study is pure quantitative in nature and is experimental since individuals from both the groups are being tested using questionnaires, asking their school background, age, sex, place of birth, place of birth and more such questions that the researchers found important to consider so that they may have complete insight of the subjects. Though the questions asked were qualitative because of the fact that additional information regarding the background of the subjects was needed. The questions comprised of open ended and closed ended questions and also had given the subjects with an option â€Å"other† so that if they had any other answer to the question, they could put that in the â€Å"other† option. The purpose for this additional option was to have complete knowledge of the subject without missing any single piece of information. The questionnaire were given to the subjects in hand rather using any other medium such as mail or email. Open-ended questions were analy zed by the researchers categorizing them as either positive, negative, or neutral. Statistical software, SPSS, was used to analyze the research questions and get more appropriate findings. The procedures chosen for the research were valid, appropriate and accurate enough to achieve suitable results, those which were statistically right. Ethical Aspects: The researcher took into account all aspects of ethics and other factors that should be taken care of while performing a research on such sensitive cases where medical teams, hospitalized patients; more importantly patients those who have imbalances psychologically are involved. The ethical criteria were fulfilled before performing the research. The approval was taken by the research team from Board of Ethics of University Medicine in Zagreb and Board of Ethics of Hospital Vrapce and Clinical Hospital Sister of Mercy. The research team did not only fulfilled this aspect of ethical moralities but also attached cover letters with the questionnaires to all the subjects that explained the purpose of the study. They took the information from the subjects after providing a notice to all the subjects that the information provided will be held hundred percent confidential and this the reason why the questionnaire did not have questions such as name, date of birth and like. Results: The results of this study were taken out in several categories and in different aspects of the subject’s information received. In the familial sociodemographic feature aspect, the researchers did not find any statistically sound differences such as the subjects mostly came from three-five members family, they were firstborns among the siblings and like. The only difference in this aspects was found in the parent’s marital status. In the familial development feature aspect, significant differences were recorded in further several aspects such as: separation of parents before the age of seven, parental divodrce or death of one of parents in early childhood or adolescence, psychological stress or trauma experienced in the life, parental surveillance, and parental support. In the familial interaction features aspect the results were more intense and shocking differences were found between the two samples. The results for this aspect were taken further in to: Unfavorable emo tional relationship with the parents, especially with the father throughout the childhood and adolescence. People from addicts had favored their mothers when they were asked to choose from their father and mother for emotional attachment. Most of the non-addict subjects also favored their mothers over fathers when asked for attentiveness of their parents. The results showed that addicts had more intense and distant relationship with their fathers because of the fact lack of appropriate communication in the early childhood. Even in the case of lack of communication with the mother, the subjects favored their mothers to have better level of understanding and that the mothers were more caring and attentive towards their child than fathers. The results also concluded that addicts were of the view that the decision-making at home were eventually made by their fathers while mothers were given less or no chance to make decisions. While on the other hand, the control group had a different point of view. The results showed that the control group had answered in the favor of both the parents that the decision is made considering the point of view of the parents. In the familial sociological features aspect, results showed huge differences between the two subject samples. Discussion and Conclusion: The study was taken out in the normal environment without the subjects knowing that they were being experimented. The research outcomes suggest that early childhood relationships with parents, especially with the father had more adverse effects on the lives of their children. The results showed the statistically proven, the addicts had more complaints regarding their father’s attitude and lack of attentiveness and emotion intent during their childhood and adolescence which eventually resulted in non-compliance to surveillance during the teen age, emotional relationship, and openness to freedom of speech. The addicts who were sampled were more inclined towards their mothers than fathers because of their caring attitude, level of interest in the child and degree of emotional intent. On the other hand, the control group had more of a balanced relationship between their parents, they said that they had better understanding between them, more balanced decision-making right and that they were taken care from both almost equally. Other reasons for drug addiction were the past experiences, stress, trauma or any unsuitable event that had jolted the addicts. People who were exposed to war environment in their lives, had more trauma and stress level ultimately ending up in the shape of drug addiction. The study also discussed the parental differences, the divorce, deceased and single parent factor which had direct impact on their children. The study had more appropriate results and the tests performed were statistically sound which gave the results more close to reality. Parents do have direct impact on their children and the upbringing of a child significantly matters for the rest of their lives. Parents who oversee their children actually put them in trouble later, sometime, in their lives. To save the lives of their children from drug addiction, parents do have to play a vital role from the day a child is born till, at least, the teen age and proper surveillance be made in order to get the insights of the daily routine of their child. A child learns from their parents, so this comes on to the parents who can make a life or break it. References: ZimiĆ¡, J. I., JukiĆ¡, V. (2012). Familial risk factors favoring drug addiction onset. Journal of psychoactive drugs, 44(2), 173-185.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Symbolism of Self Violence Essay -- Psychology Papers

The Symbolism of Self Violence I enrolled in this class in semiotics in order to see if the semiotic approach would give me a greater understanding or give meaning to what I do for a living. It seems natural that I would try to employ the method with the problems that vex me the most. I hope that any reader of this text will appreciate the attempt at interpretation of meaning and not focus on the sensationalism or strangeness of the behaviors that I will describe. I must give credit for the idea of looking at the symbolism of self-violence to James Gilligan in his book, "Violence" in which he examines the symbolism of violence towards others (Gilligan , 1996) . This paper is an attempt to bring meaning or understanding to the behaviors of the residents where I am employed, specifically self-inflicted harm or self-injurious behaviors. I will first describe the behaviors, then define them in the theories that I have used for many years, and finally attempt to make meaning from the behaviors through semiotics. Jane, not her real name, became upset one night while I was at work. I was called to help stop her, as she had ran into the bathroom where she was making cuts on her face with a piece of mirror she broke from a compact. She made four parallel superficial lines of about two centimeters downwards from her left eye. David was in the seclusionary time-out room for physical aggression as well as verbal aggression towards a female staff. He had taken his tee shirt off and had torn it into long narrow strips, which he used to tie around his neck and to tie his hands and fingers together and still attached to his neck. His arms were flexed upwards towards his neck in order to make the strips reach both. Another boy of ... ...unction well during the other parts of the day. My purpose for writing this essay has been to examine the standard approaches to understanding self-injury and then apply a semiotic approach to the self-injury. The teenagers that I give as examples are individuals whose behavior has defied explanation and treatment through the conventional means. I find some freedom and hope in viewing their behaviors as being more symbolic. References Aaltonen, J, & Rakkolainen, V. (1994). The shared image guiding the treatment process: A precondition for integration of the treatment of schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 164(suppl 23), 97-102. Danesi, M. (1998). Sign, thought, & culture: A basic course in semiotics. Canadian Scholarsà ­ Press: Toronto, Ontario. Gilligan, J. (1996). Violence: Our deadly epidemic and its causes. Putnam: New York, New York. The Symbolism of Self Violence Essay -- Psychology Papers The Symbolism of Self Violence I enrolled in this class in semiotics in order to see if the semiotic approach would give me a greater understanding or give meaning to what I do for a living. It seems natural that I would try to employ the method with the problems that vex me the most. I hope that any reader of this text will appreciate the attempt at interpretation of meaning and not focus on the sensationalism or strangeness of the behaviors that I will describe. I must give credit for the idea of looking at the symbolism of self-violence to James Gilligan in his book, "Violence" in which he examines the symbolism of violence towards others (Gilligan , 1996) . This paper is an attempt to bring meaning or understanding to the behaviors of the residents where I am employed, specifically self-inflicted harm or self-injurious behaviors. I will first describe the behaviors, then define them in the theories that I have used for many years, and finally attempt to make meaning from the behaviors through semiotics. Jane, not her real name, became upset one night while I was at work. I was called to help stop her, as she had ran into the bathroom where she was making cuts on her face with a piece of mirror she broke from a compact. She made four parallel superficial lines of about two centimeters downwards from her left eye. David was in the seclusionary time-out room for physical aggression as well as verbal aggression towards a female staff. He had taken his tee shirt off and had torn it into long narrow strips, which he used to tie around his neck and to tie his hands and fingers together and still attached to his neck. His arms were flexed upwards towards his neck in order to make the strips reach both. Another boy of ... ...unction well during the other parts of the day. My purpose for writing this essay has been to examine the standard approaches to understanding self-injury and then apply a semiotic approach to the self-injury. The teenagers that I give as examples are individuals whose behavior has defied explanation and treatment through the conventional means. I find some freedom and hope in viewing their behaviors as being more symbolic. References Aaltonen, J, & Rakkolainen, V. (1994). The shared image guiding the treatment process: A precondition for integration of the treatment of schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 164(suppl 23), 97-102. Danesi, M. (1998). Sign, thought, & culture: A basic course in semiotics. Canadian Scholarsà ­ Press: Toronto, Ontario. Gilligan, J. (1996). Violence: Our deadly epidemic and its causes. Putnam: New York, New York.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Tqm Final Project

ASSIGNMENT OF Total Quality Management Submitted To: Prof. Sajid Javaid Akbar Submitted By: M. Farhan Akhtar [Group Leader] Section: â€Å"D† Roll No: 835 B. Com (HONS), Semester: VI Topic: â€Å"Employee Involvement† HAILEY COLLEGE OF COMMERCE UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB |Sr # |Group members |Roll No. |1 |Muhammad Salman nisar |818 | |2 |Muhammad Uzair Bin Nasir |822 | |3 |Adnan Javed |830 | |4 |Muhammad Farhan Akhtar |835 | | |[Group Leader] | | |5 |Khizer Ali |875 | To Whom It May Concern: We allowed the group, lead by Mr. Muhammad Farhan Akhtar, of Hailey College of Commerce, to conduct the research for their course, Total Quality Management, on the topic of Employee Involvement. Nasir Mahmood Director, Madina Builders. |Sr # |Table of Contents |Page No. |1 |Executive Sumary |09 | |2 |Research Proposal Overview |11 | |3 |Research project Overview |15 | |4 |Observation and Preliminary Data Gathering |18 | |5 |Problem Definition |19 | |6 |Theoretical Framework |20 | |7 |Relationship Between Variables |25 | |8 |Hypothesis |27 | |9 |Questionnaire Sample |29 | |10 |Analysis And Interpretation |30 | |11 |Deduction |33 | |12 |Reference |34 | Acknowledgement First I bow my head before Almighty Allah who has enable me to write on this assignment.. I am also indebted to my respected Instructor Prof. Sajid Javaid Akbar whose guidance encouraged me in writing this Project. I am also thankful to my friends who provided me the help and suggestions when and where needed. Dedication We dedicated our project To our respected Teacher â€Å"Prof. Sajid Javaid Akbar† Proposal For EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT while working at MADINA TRADERS (a Construction Company).Executive Summary The purpose of the research report is to ascertain the level of EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT while working at MADINA TRADERS (a Construction Company). That the company realizes that their employees are not as involved as they should be , so being a researcher we conduct some research on it . We design a questionnaire related to their problem to the target Employees and distribute this questionnaire to the Employees to get their feedback to solve the problem. If you want to retain your Employees, learn what their expectations are and do what you can to increase their motivation level, their commitment and making work a positive experience.Managers are worried about the increasing hesitation and changing attitude of Employees so, in order to know the Employees Involvement level and want to identify the factors which cause the changing commitment & motivation level. The purpose of our study is to know how to improve the Employees Involvement level and its commitment at MADINA TRADERS. So that the management makes good efforts to ensure availability of good services to the customer. So, the research team of 5 members having research educational background will be assigned to study the factors. The scientific research design and methodology will be adopted for designing, c ollecting and analyzing the data and the results will be proposed to managers helping them get their reputation back. Before starting the research the appropriate time and budget is projected and allocated to the research.The non-probability sampling technique is used to construct the sample from at MADINA TRADERS. The data is collected through a structured questionnaire and some of the unstructured questions. [pic] Problem Statement: The management’s concern about Employees Involvement while working at Madina Builders. Research Objective: The purpose of our study is to know how to improve the Employees Involvement level and its commitment while working at Madina Builders. So that the management makes good efforts to ensure availability of good services to the customer. Literature Review: There’s a lot of research had already been done on while working at Madina Builders. But not as such in Pakistan. Importance of study:We are concern to while working at Madina Builder s, regarding working at Madina Builders. Research Design: ? Purpose of study: `Descriptive Study ? Unit of Analysis: Individuals ? Time Dimension: Cross sectional study ? Mode of investigation: Casual ? Sampling Design: Non-Probability ? Extent of researcher interface: Full control ? Data collection method: Primary Ethical Requirements: A good Ethical conduct will be adopted while conducting research. So that no body either respondent, sponsor or the research team suffer adverse consequences from research activities. Nature and form of result: Result is given in the following forms: ? Graphs ? Charts ? Description ? Tables etc†¦ Qualification of researcher:B. Com (HONS) 6th Semester†¦ Engage in class study project. Budget: The following are the cost which spent on this project. Cost summary Travel cost500 Questionnaire development250 Printing cost200 Data entry150 Refreshment during Interviews400 Telephone200 Total cost1700/- Schedule of project: ? Meeting among research t eam members. ? Meeting between Research team and management. ? Interaction with subject/respondent. ? Filling of questionnaire ? Making Project Report Facilities and Special resources: We are expecting Coordination and corporation from the management of the Departmental Store. [pic][pic] Project Report On â€Å"EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT†Phases and task steps in Project Study Phase I: Determination of the information research problem. Task Step 1: Determine and clarify management’s information needs. Task Step 2: Redefine the management problem as a research problem. Task Step 3: Establish research objectives and determine the value of the information. Phase II: Development of the appropriate research design. Task Step 4: Determine and evaluate the research design and data sources. Task Step 5: Determine the sample plan and sample size. Task Step 6: Determine the measurement issues and scales. Phase III: Execution of the research design. Task Step 7: Collect and process data .Task Step 8: Analyze data. Task Step 9: Transform data structures into information. Phase IV: Communication of the results. Task Step 10: Prepare and present final report to management. Background Here we give the history and information of the company. The firm was established about Three years ago with a motive of flourishing and providing better emplacement opportunities to the people concerning this business and also to earn livelihood for us and for our employees. Principal of the company 1. Mr. Mahhmood Ghaznavi (DAE Civil) 2. Mr. Nasir Mahmood (CA finalist) Company Profile Name of Company Madina Builders Engineers, contractors& General order suppliersAddress Office No # 4, Forth floor, Zuhra Heights, Main Market, Gulberg, Lahore. List of Employees 1. B. Sc Civil Engineer2 2. B. Sc Mechanical Engineer1 3. Sub Engineer2 4. Quality Surveyor1 5. Work Supervisor3 6. Operator Cum Mechanic1 7. Skilled Labor6 8. Labor9 9. Plumber1 10. Electrician1 11. Peon2 12. Driver 2 13. Chokidar 3 Step 1: Observation The manager of the departmental store observes that customers are perhaps not as pleased as they used to be. The manager may not be certain that this is really the problem but may experience anxiety and some uneasiness that customer satisfaction is on the decline. Step 2: Preliminary data gatheringAs we study the manager’s observation we discover the undisguised structured, direct and non-participant observation. ? Employees qualify to be the participant of data collection. ? The management’s concern about Employees Involvement while working at Madina Builders (a Construction Company). ? We get Employees response at the work days because of the availability of majority of the Employees. ? Direct interaction with Employees through Questionnaires and interviews. ? The place of study is a Construction site. Purpose of preliminary data collection. Our purpose to collect preliminary to identify and solve the management problem. And to convert manageme nt problem into research problem.Sources of Data Collection: ? Questionnaire ? Interviews ? Observation ? Survey ? Internet ? Books ? Publications ? Journals Primary data collecting will help us to develop a theoretical framework and a testable hypothesis and to solve the problem with precision and clarity and ensure us that important variable is not left out from the study. So our efforts are not wasted on the already known things to the management. Step 3: Problem Definition â€Å"Decrease in Motivation and Employee Involvement level† Step 4: Theoretical Framework Introduction to EMPLOYEES INVOLVEMENT: Getting employees' ideas and getting their involvement is critical in our rapidly changing world.If your company is going to be competitive, it's mandatory to involve not just hands, but the ideas from everyone in your organization. by Gregory P. Smith Why is it important to capture ideas and suggestions? For starters, the process improves individual motivation and morale. In volvement programs help capture the creativity, energy, and ideas many people have. They also allow departments and individuals to work cross-functionally, and create an environment of learning and constant renewal. They improve work methods and processes continually, reduce the costs of doing business, improve safety, and reduce accidents. Exchanging ideas always improves communication and the knowledge that top management is open and willing to act on the ideas improves trust.Instead of passing untested ideas up the chain of command, the employee who originates an idea has responsibility for its achievement. They follow a three-step work process: ? Study it ? Pilot it ? Adopt it Idea Campaigns. Most suggestion programs fail. Suggestion boxes sit and collect dust and approved suggestions are few and far between. An effective variation to the suggestion program is the Idea Campaign. Over and done with in three weeks, this steroid-enriched campaign generates hundreds of ideas. The go al is to get at least one idea from everyone in the organization. For the first idea, each person receives a small token of appreciation such as a coffee cup.A second idea is acknowledged with another form of appreciation. At the end of each week, a special award ceremony recognizes everyone who turned in ideas or suggestions Suggestion System: ? An employee (associate) idea process openly invites ideas from individuals or groups in an organization. ? Each idea is treated with respect, fairly evaluated and every effort is made to work toward its timely closure, striving to implement every idea possible. ? Feedback and mentoring is invested with the participants so they can clearly define their ideas and the future ideas they develop. ? All people involved in the process are appropriately recognized and acknowledged for their efforts. A result of the process improves all aspects of the organization and is a rewarding experience for participants. Employee involvement in Total Quality Management Total Quality Management is one of the major â€Å"workplace change† programmes used in Britain, but few studies have addressed the effects on employees. New research evidence questions optimistic and pessimistic accounts, finding that TQM is widely welcomed but that it does not lead to â€Å"empowerment†, and that success depends on certain conditions, notably job security. Employee Involvement Analysis falls into two main types: ? optimistic texts, which often prescribe ways of implementing TQM and assume a welcome from employees; and ? ritical studies, which either (a) equate TQM with intensified managerial control under the pretence of â€Å"empowerment† or (b) accept that TQM can be effective, but argue that in practice poor implementation has undermined this promise. The critical studies often argue that TQM undermines the representative role of trade unions by strengthening direct links between employer and employee. (a) Employee views More tha n four-fifths of the sample of employees saw quality as the crucial issue for their organisations or as very important. Almost two-thirds felt that employees had a â€Å"great deal† or a â€Å"fair amount† of influence over quality, and over 70 per cent felt that their own involvement in problem-solving had increased. Five employees in six identified the presence of meetings designed for problem-solving.Of the sample, 72% felt that there had been an increase in communication activity recently. The most favourably evaluated method was team briefing, followed by informal communication with individual managers. It was direct, face-to-face, communication which employees most valued. Workers also reported more stress and higher levels of work effort. A key result was that reported levels of trust between management and worker were no higher than in organisations without TQM initiatives. (b) Management and worker expectations Many proponents of TQM claim that it â€Å"empow ers† workers. Critics equate it with work intensification and stress. The study finds that neither picture is accurate.Managements in the organisations studied did not use the language of empowerment and had more pragmatic goals. One manager summed this up: â€Å"empowerment is not a word used at local level; we can and do involve people more but we need to have constraints†. Workers reported higher effort levels, but most liked the pace at which they worked. Those who were working harder and who were most subject to the measurement of their performance were also the most likely to favour quality programmes. These programmes seem to promote a narrowly focused but real sense of discipline and purpose, rather than being a means to make workers work harder, the report concludes. c) Conditions for success Acceptance of TQM was greatest where several conditions prevailed. ? A strong sense of job security was a key element in encouraging acceptance of quality initiatives. ? T raining was important; it was not the overall amount which mattered, but the extent to which programmes were specifically linked to quality or teamwork. ? Cooperative relationships with employee representatives were an important element in easing the acceptance of TQM. All the case study firms were unionised, and it was found that firms which maintained working relationships with their unions were also the most likely to maintain their quality programmes effectively. Short-term pressures tended to undermine TQM initiatives. They were of two kinds: production pressures, which made it hard for quality activities to be maintained; and financial pressures, which could reduce the resources for and commitment to TQM. Do employee involvement and TQM programs work? The employee involvement literature emphasizes design of the work and business units for fuller business involvement and employee motivation. In addition, employee involvement emphasizes making the employee a stakeholder in busin ess performance There is a strong correlation between the adoption of employee involvement approaches and the use of TQM practices†¦The extent to which companies employ the core TQM practices, the production-oriented practices, collaboration with customers, and cost-of-quality monitoring all have a highly significant relationship to our measure of overall employee involvement use. The relationship to the development of knowledge and skills is particularly strong, demonstrating the strong emphasis in TQM programs on the development of skills. TQM's relationship to power sharing is also very strong, reflecting the focus in TQM on problem solving and decision making groups in general and on work cells and teams. The findings with respect to the combined impact of TQM and El are not unexpected: most TQM proponents advocate high levels of employee involvement as part of their TQM efforts.However, the findings do make a very important point: the impact of TQM programs that do not als o include El practices will be less positive both for employee outcomes and for performance outcomes. TQM Defined TQM is a management philosophy that seeks to integrate all organizational functions (marketing, finance, design, engineering, and production, customer service, etc. ) to focus on meeting customer needs and organizational objectives. TQM is the foundation for activities, which include: ? Commitment by senior management and all employees ? Meeting customer requirements ? Reducing development cycle times ? Just In Time/Demand Flow Manufacturing ? Improvement teams ? Reducing product and service costs ? Systems to facilitate improvement ? Line Management ownership ? Employee involvement and empowerment ? Recognition and celebration Challenging quantified goals and benchmarking ? Focus on processes / improvement plans ? Specific incorporation in strategic planning There are three major mechanisms of prevention: 1. Preventing mistakes (defects) from occurring 2. Where mistakes can't be absolutely prevented, detecting them early to prevent them being passed down the value added chain (Inspection at source or by the next operation). 3. Where mistakes recur, stopping production until the process can be corrected, to prevent the production of more defects. (Stop in time). Identify Variables At this step we identify the possible variables and elaborate the relationship among them.Then we describe the nature and direction of these variables. Identify variables: ? Wages ? Working place ? Working hours ? Management behavior ? employees participation Labeling: INDEPENDENT VARIABLES DEPENDENT VARIABLES Relation between Variables INDEPENDENT VARIABLES DEPENDENT VARIABLES Step 5: Generation of Hypothesis ? If wages are good than the Employee involvement will increase. ? If working place is good than the Employee involvement will increase. ? If working hours are suitable than the Employee involvement will increase. ? If management behavior is good than the Employee i nvolvement will increase. If employees are allowed to express their view than the Employee involvement will increase. Possible Outcomes: Possibility 1. ? If wages > than the > Employee involvement ? If working place > than the > Employee involvement ? If working hours < than the > Employee involvement ? If management behavior > than the > Employee involvement ? If employee participation > than the > Employee involvement Possibility 2: ? If wages < than the < Employee involvement ? If working place < than the < Employee involvement ? If working hours > than the < Employee involvement ? If management behavior < than the < Employee involvement If employee participation < than the < Employee involvement Step 6: Research Design As we know that decrease in Employee Involvement level is our current problem, so that’s why we design research in such a way that after conducting research we will able to identify, what the main causes of that particular problem. In this section we follow the following steps: Sample Selection In this we select the sample (to whom we are going to research). i-e number of person. Data collection We did test the questionnaire with a small sample of Employees using Construction site. The instruments submitted for design an effective questionnaire and then distributed as we can. QuestionnaireWe are conducting a research to know Employee’s Satisfaction level while working at Madina Builders. Q-1 Are You Happy With Behavior Of: Good Average Poor 1. Top Management 2. Colleagues Q-2 Facilities Provided By Company: Yes No Transport Medical Other Q-3 Are You happy With The Working Environment: YesNoNo opinion Q-4 Are Wages & Salaries Paid On Time : YesNoNo opinion Q-5 Working Hours Are In Accordance With The Labor Law: YesNoNo opinion Q-6 You Are Provided The Necessary Tools & Machinery For Work: Yes NO No opinion Q-7 Your Experience Of Working At Madina Builders : ExcellentGoodBad Q-8 Any improvement you want in Madina Builders? (Sugge stions) | Survey collected by: Step 7: Analysis and Interpretation DATA ANALYSES: We reviewed the questionnaire which return and make a weekly report listing Employees who were dissatisfied or who submit negative comments. We improved timeline in resolving Employees complaints each month we make a report consisting of frequencies and category percentages for each question. We proposed to include at least one question dealing with overall satisfaction. A performance grid will identify items need improvement with an evaluation of priority.Interpretation of data with the help of graphs: [pic] Employees are satisfied with the behavior of: [pic] Facilities Provided By Company: [pic] Employees are happy with the environment: [pic] Working Hours Are In Accordance With The Labor Law: |Variables: |% of | | |Persons | |Yes |71 | |No |20 | |No Opinion |9 | Figures in %age* Step 8: Deduction We all the group members worked with devotion to identify the variables that affect the sale. We worked in a team and experienced the quality of team building in us.Every member of us has done her work on the given time, which the team leader assigns to every member. In this time span in which we complete our project, there is a management in our whole session. For example, time management, self management, financial management etc. So from all above study there is a reason to believe that there are certain factors responsible for the specific problem upon which we are focused our research. We identified all factors and give suggestions in form of Hypothesis which contribute to bring back the desired Consumers Satisfaction level. Conclusions: TQM encoureges participation amongst shop floor workers and managers.There is no single theoretical formalization of total quality, but Deming, Juran and Ishikawa provide the core assumptions, as a â€Å"†¦ discipline and philosophy of management which institutionalizes planned and continuous†¦ improvement †¦ and assumes that qua lity is the outcome of all activities that take place within an organization; that all functions and all employees have to participate in the improvement process; that organizations need both quality systems and a quality culture. â€Å". â€Å"Quality programmes can†, the study says, â€Å"be seen as catalysts†, bringing out workers' willingness to take responsibility and providing a focus and rationale for efforts at involvement.But involvement remained within tight limits and there were several factors, notably insecurity and financial constraints, which could undercut the promise of quality programmes. â€Å"The challenge†, the study concludes, â€Å"is to maintain TQM in the face of external pressures†. References Websites: Employee Involvement (www. employeeinvolvement. com) Search Engine (www. google. com) Appendices ? Questionnaire ? Charts ? Graphs ? Tables [pic][pic] ———————– Participation Behavior Hours Employee Involvement Place ice Wages Participation Behavior Hours Employee Involvement Place Wages Determination of information research problem Execution of the research design Development of research design Communication of the results Phase II Phase I Phase III Phase IV